This We Confess
Welcome to your invitation to take on a new life — where hope and peace are real, where you have a Savior who walks with you, and where you can have confidence that nothing can take this new life away from you!
On Thursday, April 17, we will gather to celebrate Jesus’ last supper with an all-church Seder Meal at 6:30pm. During the meal we will have a chance to experience the supper he shared with his disciples, passed down to us in Holy Communion.
On Friday, April 18, we will commemorate Good Friday with a Service of Darkness in Spanish at 5:30pm, followed by a Service of Darkness in English at 7:00pm.
On Sunday, April 20, we will announce the resurrection of Jesus together at a 7:00am Sunrise Service in our church parking lot. You and your family are then invited to breakfast and Easter activities (including an Easter Egg Hunt) for the kids. We will have a special butterfly release at 9:45am, and at 10:00am, we will have simultaneous English worship (Sanctuary) and Spanish Worship (Fellowship Hall). At the end of our worship services, we will participate in Holy Communion together.
Guests and visitors are invited to every part of our Holy Week celebrations!
Click the links below for more information. See you there!
During the Wednesdays of Lent, you are invited to an English devotional worship service at 7pm. We will precede each service with a potluck meal at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.
On Ash Wednesday, you will be given the opportunity for private confession and absolution, in addition to our typical Ash Wednesday Schedule which you can find here.
To view our full Lenten calendar of events, click here. En español, haga clic aquí.
Open to members and non-members alike.