Prayer is not just telling God what you want. Prayer fundamentally changes us. It gives encouragement to the discouraged, strength to the weak, hope to the hopeless, and comfort to the disquieted heart.

Our elders, staff, and pastors are here to pray for you. Please fill out the form under the image below so that we can advocate to God on your behalf. This form is sent directly to our Senior Pastor, and will be kept confidential unless you indicate otherwise.

Let everyone know most assuredly and not doubt that God does not send him distress to destroy him. … He wants to drive him to pray, to implore, to fight, to exercise his faith, to learn another aspect of God’s person than before, to accustom himself to do battle even with the devil and with sin, and by the grace of God to be victorious.

Without this experience we could never learn the meaning of faith, the Word, Spirit, grace, sin, death, or the devil.

-Martin Luther, A Commentary on Psalm 118 (Luther’s Works 14:60)