Family Life Ministry
From children to youth to young adults, we have something going on for all ages at Our Redeemer. Check out our ever-growing programs down below.
Children’s Ministry
During both the English and Spanish services, we invite our children (5th grade and under) to an age-appropriate Bible lesson during the sermon time.
Each summer, we invite ORLC kids, their friends, and the Irving community to our church for a week of fun, games, crafts, and Bible lessons for all ages.
Every August, we invite any school-aged child and their families to come to our church for a special service of blessing as they embark on a new school year. We also have special gifts for teachers as they prepare for their new classes.
Youth Ministry
Every Second Sunday at 2pm, our youth get together for social activity time. All youth are welcome, members or not.
We teach discipleship and Biblical education classes for our middle and high school youth. To learn more about this ministry, click here.
Every 3 years our high schoolers travel to the LCMS Youth Gathering. The 2025 Gathering will take place in New Orleans, Louisiana. This ministry is an unforgettable experience for our kids and chaperones.
In the summers we offer mission trip opportunities for our youth to engage their faith through service. Most recently we went to Alamosa, CO with YouthWorks. These mission trips are offered in years when we don’t travel to the Youth Gathering.
Family Events
Throughout the year, ORLC celebrates various cultural events important to our Hispanic community. Events like Día del Niño, Cinco de Mayo, and Las Posadas connect our church with our community and offer time for us to celebrate life within our families.
Each year in early May we take worship outside! At our church in the park you’ll found a bounce house and lots of activities for kids, as well as worship in a different, fun setting.