Plan your Visit
Our Redeemer gathers each Sunday for English worship at 10am, Bible study at 11:15am, and Spanish worship at 12:30pm. We have midweek ministries for worship, Bible study, service ministries, and youth ministry as well.
If you are joining us on a Sunday, simply come in through the main entrance to our campus. The Sanctuary will be immediately to your left. We have a coffee bar for you to enjoy before our services begin.
What to Expect
During both services, you will notice that we loosely follow a classic Lutheran liturgy. We practice worship this way because we find comfort and beauty in using the words of Scripture and the saints as expressions of our praise.
Unless it is a special service weekend, services typically last between 1 hour and 1 hour 15 minutes.
Musically, we sing a mixture of hymns and acoustic contemporary music. And on select occasions, we invite guest musicians to play a variety of special instruments to enhance our worship.
At ORLC, we believe that Jesus wants you to come to him as you are. You will likely notice that people wear what they feel most comfortable in, from jeans and a T-shirt to slacks and polos to their Sunday finest. Whatever you show up in, we hope that ORLC feels like home for you.
Your children and grandchildren are always encouraged to join us in the worship service, no matter how noisy they are! We do offer "Children's Church" for all young children, which gives them a chance to receive age-appropriate teaching during the sermon time of the service.
We also have a newly-renovated nursery available for parents. We project our worship services via livestream into the nursery for parents to participate in worship. -
We know that fear of entering a new space and being put on the spot. We are confident our greeters will shake your hand and make you feel welcome.
But rest assured that we will never ask you to raise your hand or stand up or say anything publicly during a worship service.
Every Sunday at ORLC we speak either the Nicene or Apostles' Creed together, because that's what we believe! Every Sunday you will hear about who God is: the Father who creates, Jesus who forgives, and the Holy Spirit who preserves us. Teaching about God through His Word will always be our focus.
To read in greater detail about our beliefs, click here. -
ORLC practices what is known as "close communion." We believe that the Bible teaches that the bread and wine that you receive in the Lord's Supper are more than simply symbols of strengthening your faith. Bread and wine are actually the ways in which Jesus shares his true presence with us. We believe that, to take communion in a worthy manner as taught in 1 Corinthians 11:27, you must be a baptized believer who approaches the table with a repentant heart and acknowledges the presence of the Lord in communion.
If you are able to say yes to the questions listed in this image, we would welcome you to commune with us.If you have any questions, you are always welcome to come forward to receive a blessing. And if you would love to ask us why we believe what we believe, click here to let us know. One of the pastors will buy you a cup of coffee or tea and talk with you about it!