Hear a Message
We love that you have taken the time to learn more about our church! For your convenience, we have posted the messages from the past few years on our site. You can find the messages in chronological order, ordered by series.
Click on the message name to play it. If you have a question about the message, locating messages in Spanish, or acquiring previous sermon series recordings, please contact us at orlc@orlc.org.
Current Sermon Series
The Light the Prophets Foretold (Epiphany 2025)
This sermon series on the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah will illustrate how these prophets understood the Messiah to come in light of the exile of God’s people — and how we see the light of Christ in our lives each and every day.
Lectionary Messages (January 2025)
These messages are reflections on Epiphany Sunday and the Baptism of our Lord. What kind of light are we drawn to as believers? How can we focus on the substance of our faith and not the form? And what does it mean that baptism isn’t an event but a daily reality for us? Does that change things for us?
Between Two Worlds (Advent and Christmas 2024)
This series will focus on how the arrival of Jesus answers our deepest longings in life: our longing for Jesus to come anew into our lives (hope); our longing for a Savior (peace); his arrival in Bethlehem answering our longing for God to move in our lives (joy); and finally, the return of Jesus to make all things new (love). We will see how the longings themselves are God’s gifts to us.
Lectionary Messages (October to November 2024)
These messages are based off of the lectionary readings from Series B. During this series we will recognize All Saints' Sunday, we will take a look at eschatology, and for our Reformation Worship we will celebrate 60 years of God's faithfulness to our ministry.
Did God Really Say? (August to October 2024)
There are many statements in Scripture that challenge cultural narratives around us — some passages that even make us do a double take. For 9 weeks we will look at some of the tougher teachings of Scripture — such as teachings on patriotism, identity, sexuality, Sabbath, loving our enemies, and more.
Lectionary Messages (July to August 2024)
For 4 weeks we follow the lectionary as it invites us into meditations on rest, covenant, provision, endurance, and purpose in life.
Unsung Hero Makers (June to July 2024)
There are many characters in the Bible that we don’t know much about, but were hugely important in God’s work throughout history. In this series we look at the lives of those who made heroes of others — and ultimately made a hero of Jesus. The call to humility is the call of our Father!
Lectionary Messages (Pentecost and Trinity Sunday 2024)
For two weeks we will follow the lectionary as it invites us into a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the nature of the Trinity we confess.
Behold the Lamb of God (Easter 2024)
We are immersing ourselves in grace stories through this series on the book of 1 John, as John offers to the church his Easter reflection. He writes about what love means for us — the love He found in the Lamb of God that called him and led him to a deep understanding of and appreciation for grace and truth.
Promised Treasures (Lent 2024)
God gives us glimpses of the treasure to come in heaven through earthly elements here. In fact, he uses physical elements to help us see how He is at work even today. Each week we will dive into a different element to see God's goodness to us through each of these gifts.
CHOSEN (Epiphany 2024)
In 2019 “The Chosen” debuted. The aim of the Chosen? To reveal Jesus as his incarnation would have been felt and experienced. In this series we will talk about how we are chosen by this Jesus to be disciple makers. And we will use the imagery of The Chosen to lead us through this series.
Lectionary Messages (Advent and Christmas 2023)
This Advent we allow the lectionary to lead us into the pregnant expectation of Advent as we await for the birth of Jesus, and then into deep celebration as we sit by the manger with the shepherds, Mary and Joseph, and with all others who offer their praise to Jesus this holy season.
Dear God, Thank You (November to December 2023)
The greatest expression of love for God is a life of thankfulness and gratitude. Gratitude is not simply something we offer with our mouths, but something we show with our whole lives. In this series we will explore more deeply the life of thanksgiving because of the mercy and provision of Jesus for us.
Lectionary Messages (October 2023)
For two weeks we will turn to the lectionary. The first week, October 22, is a reflection on peace and what is happening in the Israel/Gaza based on Isaiah 45. And on October 29 we celebrated Reformation Sunday and the preservation of the Gospel message of grace.
I Wish the Preacher Would Preach About: (September to October 2023)
In this series we listened to you all! What issues did you say you wrestle with when it comes to matters of faith? Topics include capital punishment, the rapture, guilt/shame, Biblical prophecy, trusting the Bible, engaging in politics, and praying without seeking control of your life. Thank you for all your suggestions!
God and Justice (August 2023)
This series dives into the justice of God, and how that justice is reflected in the world around us. For whom should we advocate? What causes should motivate our action? In what ways is the secular concept of justice different from the divine? How is the Christian approach to justice not about political position but about the posture of the heart?
Lectionary Messages (Summer 2023)
For two weeks we will turn to different themes. The first week, July 23, is a message based off of Romans 8. On July 30 we will have a youth-led service, and the title for that service is “Love is Here.” During that service the youth of ORLC will share their reflections on the recent mission trip to Alamosa, CO.
The Parables of Jesus (Summer 2023)
A parable simply is sharing a story to help people understand a teaching for their life. Over the 7 weeks of this series we will take a dive deeper into 7 parables that Jesus shares in the Gospel of Matthew, and the 7 truths that correspond to each one. And these teachings are not easy for us to hear. How is Jesus opening up our ears to hear him more clearly?
Lectionary Messages (Easter 2023)
From April 16 through May 28, we will walk through the lectionary readings for the Easter season. These readings are the church leaders’ way of showing the many effects of the resurrection for the church and world of every generation.
“Forgive Us our Debts, As We Forgive our Debtors” (Lent 2023)
Central to who Christians are is the forgiveness of Jesus. These 6 weeks focus on our forgiveness we find in Jesus, and how we can learn to forgive others as he has commanded us to do, and shown us how to do.
“How to Be Rich” (February 2023)
This series is a teaching on wealth (not just financial, but all wealth) from the eyes of Jesus. The strongest idol this world can offer is the idol of money. How can we use the riches God gives us in a God-glorifying way?